Our Services
Independent Reviews

This offering involves an impartial ‘evidence based’ review and assessment, with the findings delivered in a professionally structured and presented report.
Is there a particular area of challenge within your business –
- Operational processes aren’t working, or not working well?
- Problems with your IT systems?
- Customer service quality issues?
- Needing to find operational savings within the business?
Do you need someone to have a critical look at this particular area and provide you with a detailed assessment, including a set of improvement recommendations – then we can help you!
Often our clients don’t have the time, capacity, or background to undertake such a review – so they call on us.
Essentially, we can provide an impartial ‘evidence based’ review and assessment, with the findings delivered in a professionally structured and presented report.
- A review of ‘current state’ relative to some predefined ‘target state’ or expectation,
- Confirmation of what is working and what isn’t and why,
- Observations and insights,
- Resolution options / solutions,
- Implementation considerations, and
- A set of improvement recommendations for your review and consideration.
For many clients, the report we produce often becomes a foundational element of a subsequent business case to address the problem/s identified.
So, if this sounds like something you need, let’s talk.
We would be happy to meet with you, at no cost or obligation, to discuss.
- The subject area for investigation,
- Your particular requirements,
- Indicative timing and duration of the review, and
- What would be required from staff and in-house SMEs to support the review.
An objective review and assessment captured in a professionally prepared and presented report.
Delivers an independent, arm’s length perspective.
Supports a ‘case for change’ and subsequent business case.
Removes the dependency on internal staff to complete the review.
Business Case Preparation

This offering involves the planning, co-ordination and completion of a professionally prepared business case and supporting documentation.
Do you need a business case prepared but it isn’t a core activity or capability within your team?
If the stakes are high, rather than leaving it to chance, secure the specialist skills to complete the work, by contacting us.
Typically, the preparation of a business case for complex and larger initiatives is a major undertaking.
- The co-ordination and sequencing of tasks and activities required to bring each of these business case elements together can be challenging, especially when there is time pressure to complete the business case.
- Securing a consensus and the required endorsement across the multiple internal stakeholders (finance, procurement, ICT, HR, management, etc) can also be challenging. This often requires experience, finesse, and a level of independence from any internal dynamics.
Not only can we plan and co-ordinate all the business case preparation activities, but we can also prepare all the support documentation typical of a large and complex business case, for example –
- A gap analysis that articulates the business problem that needs addressing.
- High level business requirements
- Implementation plan
- Implementation costings
- Impact analysis
- Stakeholder analysis and proposed management plan
- Change management plan
- Procurement plan
- Cost / benefit analysis
- Benefit realisation plan
So, if you want to take the risk out of your business case preparation, contact us and schedule a time for a no cost, no obligation discussion.
Let us help ensure your business case is professionally prepared, contains the necessary rigour and maximises the probability of funding approval.
Ensures a professionally prepared business case that contains the necessary rigour.
The planning, co-ordination and sequencing of business case preparation activities is taken care of.
De-risks your business case preparation.
Secures the specialist skills to complete the work.
Project Delivery

The end-to-end planning, co-ordination, and delivery of a project.
Delivery of a project component
Completing in whole, or in part, the planning, co-ordination, and delivery of a project.
Project health check
Undertaking an independent assessment of a project’s health.
Project rescue & remediation
Provide advice and support with project rescue and remediation.
PMO establishment
Establish a PMO including templates, tools, and disciplines.
PMO as a service
Provide and on-going PMO service to a project or set of projects.
Change management advice and support
Specialised change management advice and support for those large-scale projects that involve significant change and transformational elements.
Do you have a project that you want delivered?
Before diving into delivery, consider that over 50% of projects on average will fail to deliver one or more of the following –
- Fail to deliver on time, or
- Fail to deliver within budget, or
- Fail to deliver the full scope, or
- Fail to deliver to the quality required, or
- Fail to deliver the promised benefits.
What steps are you taking to ensure your project delivers the necessary investment outcomes?
Sometimes getting help with part, or all, of the project delivery can be a necessary de-risking strategy to protect your return on investment.
We provide an end-to-end project delivery service that will see your project follow best practice.
If you do have a project underway, do you have concerns about the project’s overall health? Is your project in distress?
We offer a ‘project health check’ service, that provides an unbiased assessment as to whether your project is on track to deliver, and if not, what is wrong and how can it be fixed.
If a project is in distress, or rapidly heading in that direction, we can help. We are able to provide advice and support with project rescue and remediation. This could include –
- Identifying root cause/s of the project’s problem/s,
- Determining the corrective actions to be taken, and
- Advising and guiding on the implementation of corrective action.
Often the establishment of a Project Management Office is not a core competency for a client.
We can establish a PMO for you including the implementation of templates, tools and disciplines that would be typical of a well-run project.
After establishment, the PMO function can be provided as an ongoing service to the project or handed over at a point to in-house staff to continue the function.
Sometimes a project is delivering technically but the support and enthusiasm across stakeholder groups, for the consequential changes, threaten the projects success. If you need help with the change management element of your project, we can support you.
We can provide highly experienced and specialised change management advice and support for those large-scale projects that involve significant change and transformational elements.
Reach out and schedule a time for a ‘no cost, no obligation’ discussion.
A de-risking strategy to protect your investment outcomes.
Leverages project management best practice.
Addresses internal capacity and skill gaps.
Process Management

Process review
Completing a targeted process review to identify improvement opportunities.
The end-to-end planning, co-ordination, and completion of a business process improvement initiative.
Delivery of a process improvement component
Completing in whole, or in part, the review, redesign, and optimisation of business processes.
Process documentation service
Professional process mapping and documentation services.
Process management KPI’s
Recommend key performance metrics to monitor and manage process performance.
Is your team’s performance being held back by inefficient or poorly designed processes?
Are poor processes standing in the way of you achieving –
- Reduced operational costs,
- Reduced process cycle times,
- Improved service delivery,
- A simpler business model, and
- Improved staff role clarity.
Whether you want to simply document existing processes that are currently ‘undocumented’ or undertake a more comprehensive and strategic process improvement initiative – we can help.
We can support you through reviewing, redesigning, and optimising your processes.
If not done well, process improvement initiatives can result in a poor implementation of suboptimal future state processes that staff are not adequately trained for.
For strategic process improvement initiatives, we help clients develop an overall ‘target operating model’ that serves as a framework within which the proposed process changes get made.
We can help you with –
- Completing a targeted process review to identify improvement opportunities.
- The planning, co-ordination, and completion of a business process improvement initiative.
- Conducting in whole, or in part, the review, redesign, and optimisation of business processes.
- Professional process mapping and documentation.
- Recommend key performance metrics to monitor and manage process performance.
So, if your business processes are holding your team’s performance back and you are thinking about doing something about it – leverage our experience.
Contact us and schedule a time for a ‘no cost, no obligation’ discussion during which we can work through your process improvement ambitions and consider options and approaches.
Provides an independent perspective when reviewing existing processes and identifying improvement opportunities.
Secures specialist process knowledge skills and experience.
Ensures the professional delivery of your process improvement initiative.